
We need your support!

Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law:
Federal Tax ID: 34-2056296
California Charitable Trust: 132808

Financial Support

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Mail a check:

Doberman Pinscher SOS
P.O. Box 2195
Tehachapi, CA 93581-2195

Wish List

Ongoing Needs

  • Canned Dog Food
  • Laundry Detergent
  • Bleach
  • Trash bags (all sizes)
  • Hotdogs
  • Blankets (other than cotton; afghans work well)
  • Sturdy Dog Toys and Chews
  • Treats
  • Plastic Dog Crates - Size Large, X-Large, and Giant
  • Igloo-style Dog Houses - Size Large and X-Large
  • Frontline Plus and Advantix for Large Dogs
  • Natural Balance Food Rolls
  • Shade Cloth
  • Five-gallon Plastic Paint Buckets
  • Water Hose (New)
  • Kuranda Dog Beds
  • Kuranda Dog Bed Replacement Covers


  • Joint Supplements
  • Drontal and Panacur Dewormer
  • Deramaxx, Metacam
  • Proin
  • Thyroxine 0.4 - 0.9
  • Desmopressin
  • Ivermectin
  • Pancrezyme

Special One-Time Gifts

  • Tractor/Backhoe
  • Stock Trailer
  • Quadrunner or Golf Cart
  • Reliable Van
  • 8.0+ Megapixel Digital SLR Camera


  • Electrical
  • Plumbing/Irrigation
  • Fencing
  • Landscaping

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Our Doberman Pinschers

Click the links or thumbnail photos below for more information.

Hopefull Males and Females of All Ages Available

Dobermans that
are ready for you
to adopt.

Home at Last! Adopted

Dobermans that have found their forever homes!

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

Patented Kuranda Dog Beds